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Applicability of CMOD to Obtain the Actual Fracture Toughness of Rightly-Cracked Fibrous Concrete Beams
Type of Publication:
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Hossameldien Mohamed Salam Helmy
Staff Zu Site
Abstract In Staff Site
Buildings MDPI
Keywords :
Applicability , CMOD , Obtain , Actual Fracture Toughness
Unfortunately, most of the previous work studying the fracture toughness of fibrous composites has deliberately ignored bridging the fiber onto the pre-crack/notch surfaces by creating such a crack as a through-thickness crack (TTC). Furthermore, no standard specifications for measuring the fracture toughness of fibrous composites have considered the fiber bridging through the pre-notch. Only a few pieces of research, no more than fingers on one hand, have addressed this problem by creating an actual crack, i.e., a matrix crack (MC) instead of a TTC. The challenge these researchers face is the inability to calculate the fracture toughness directly through the stress intensity factor (SIF) relationship because there is no geometry correction factor equation, f(a/d), for an MC. The main objective of the present work is to calculate f(a/d) and ascertain a relationship between the SIF and crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) for an MC numerically using 3-D finite element analysis. An experimental program was also conducted to measure the fracture toughness of three types of concrete beams: high-strength concrete (HSC) beams with a TTC, HSC beams with an MC, and fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) beams with an MC. The results showed that FRC beams with an MC have the highest fracture toughness and, subsequently, the highest resistance to crack growth. The numerical results revealed a suggested relationship between the SIF and CMOD of FRC beams with an MC. This relation was used to predict the fracture toughness of FRC with an MC by the critical value of CMOD measured experimentally.
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Hossameldien Mohamed Salam Helmy, "Mechanical properties of sustainable concrete comprising various wastes", Springer, 2023
Hossameldien Mohamed Salam Helmy, "An Assessment of ASTM E1922 for Measuring the Translaminar Fracture Toughness of Laminated Polymer Matrix Composite Materials", MDPI, 2021
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