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Synthesis and Antitumor Activity of Doxycycline Polymeric Nanoparticles: Effect on Tumor Apoptosis in Solid Ehrlich Carcinoma
Type of Publication:
ZU Hosted
Rania Ahmed Foad
Staff Zu Site
Abstract In Staff Site
molecules international
Keywords :
Synthesis , Antitumor Activity , Doxycycline Polymeric Nanoparticles: Effect
Objectives: The aim of this study was to prepare doxycycline polymeric nanoparticles (DOXY-PNPs) with hope to enhance its chemotherapeutic potential against solid Ehrlich carcinoma (SEC). Methods: Three DOXY-PNPs were formulated by nanoprecipitation method using hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) as a polymer. The prepared DOXY-PNPs were evaluated for the encapsulation efficiency (EE%), the drug loading capacity, particle size, zeta potential (ZP) and the in-vitro release for selection of the best formulation. PNP number 3 was selected for further biological testing based on the best pharmaceutical characters. PNP3 (5 and 10 mg/kg) was evaluated for the antitumor potential against SEC grown in female mice by measuring the tumor mass as well as the expression and immunohistochemical staining for the apoptosis markers; caspase 3 and BAX. Results: The biological study documented the greatest reduction in tumor mass in mice treated with PNP3. Importantly, treatment with 5 mg/kg of DOXY-PNPs produced a similar chemotherapeutic effect to that produced by 10 mg/kg of free DOXY. Further, a significant elevation in mRNA expression and immunostaining for caspase 3 and BAX was detected in mice group treated with DOXY-PNPs. Conclusions: The DOXY-PNPs showed greater antitumor potential against SEC grown in mice and greater values for Spearman’s correlation coefficients were detected when correlation with tumor mass or apoptosis markers was examined; this is in comparison to free DOXY. Hence, DOXY-PNPs should be tested in other tumor types to further determine the utility of the current technique in preparing chemotherapeutic agents and enhancing their properties.
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Rania Ahmed Foad, "Association of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) 4G/5G Polymorphism and Susceptibility to SLE in Egyptian Children and Adolescents: A Multicenter Study", Dove press, 2020
Department Related Publications
Rania Ahmed Foad, "polymorphisms of DNA repair genes OGG1 and XPD in age related catract in egyptions", molecular vision, 2014
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Somaya Hassan Abdallah, "Effect of Letrozole on hippocampal Let-7 microRNAs and their correlation with working memory and phosphorylated Tau protein in an Alzheimer's disease-like rat model", SpringerOpen, 2022
Rania Ahmed Foad, "Association of interleukin-17A gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus in Egyptian children and adolescents: a multi-centre study", international, 2020
Amira Saber Attia Attia Elkarmany, "Impact of IL 28B gene polymorphism on chronic hepatitis-C patients progression with diabetes and non-diabetes", دولية, 2022
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