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Evaluation of Topical Mitomycin-C Eye Drops After Reconstructive Surgery for Anophthalmic Contracted Socket
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Hala Kamal Mohamed Mtoot
Staff Zu Site
Abstract In Staff Site
Clinical Ophthalmology Dove Medical Press
Keywords :
, Evaluation , Topical Mitomycin-C , Drops After Reconstructive
Purpose: To report the outcomes of using topical mitomycin-C (MMC) after reconstructive surgery for contracted socket and to compare the results with those of the conventional postoperative treatment. Patients and Methods: The medical records of patients who underwent reconstructive surgery for contracted anophthalmic socket were retrospectively reviewed. Based on the postoperative treatment protocol, two groups of patients were identified; group I (15 patients) who received topical MMC drops (0.02%) 4 times daily for 6 weeks and group II (15 patients) who received the conventional treatment (topical antibiotic-steroid combination). Preoperative data were extracted for age, gender, cause and timing of anophthalmia, history of previous surgeries, preoperative forniceal depth and socket volume (SV). The main postoperative outcome measures were superior fornix depth (SFD), inferior fornix depth (IFD) and SV at the end of 6th postoperative month. Prosthesis fitting and complications were also considered for analysis. Results: The mean preoperative IFD was 1.67±0.04 mm in group I and 1.58±0.37 mm in group II, by the end of the 6th postoperative month it increased to 6.1 ±0.27 mm and 5.12 ±0.25mm, respectively. The mean preoperative SFD in group I was 8.3±0.9 mm and 8.9 ±1.1 mm in group II, by the end of the 6th postoperative month SFD became 13.4±1.2 mm and 10.2±1.4 mm in groups I and II, respectively. The mean SV measured six months postoperatively was 1.9±0.2 mL and 1.3±0.09 mL in groups I and II, respectively. These differences in the postoperative SFD, IFD and SV between both groups were statistically significant. More cases reported successful fitting in group I than in group II but this difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion: Postoperative use of topical MMC is associated with higher forniceal depth and greater SV when compared to the conventional treatment in socket reconstructive surgeries with amniotic membrane graft (AMG
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Hala Kamal Mohamed Mtoot, "Association of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Gene Polymorphisms with Different Types of Myopia in Egyptian Patients", Mary Ann Liebert, 2016
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