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Charge transfer complexes of cyclamate sweetener compound with vacant orbital acceptors (VCl3, RuCl3, PtCl2, SeCl4, and AuCl3): Synthesis, structural, spectroscopic, and biological studies
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Sami Mahmoud Mohamed Ali Megharbel
Staff Zu Site
Abstract In Staff Site
Journal of Molecular Liquids ElSevier
Keywords :
Charge transfer complexes , cyclamate sweetener compound
With a view to understand the contribution of the metal complexity and the coordination type between a sodium cyclamate and the VIII, RuIII, PtII, SeIV and AuIII metal ions, in this paper a five new metal complex of Cyc were prepared and discussed by physical, micro-analytical, and spectroscopic techniques “elemental analysis, conductivity, FTIR, UV–Vis, magnetic susceptibility, 1H, 13C-NMR, mass, SEM, TEM and XRD”. The assignments data of these analyses confirm that the Cyc interacted with the mentioned metal ions by 1:1 (ruthenium, platinum, and gold) or 1:2 (vanadium and selenium) stoichiometry. All synthesized cyclamate metal complexes have coordinated through nitrogen atom of the (single bondNH) group and the oxygen of the sulfamate group (single bondOSO2). Anti-cancer and anti-microbial activities of the cyclamate complexes have been investigated in comparable with the free Na-Cyc chelate. In vitro cytotoxic assessments for the ruthenium and gold(III) complexes using “human hepato cellular carcinoma” (HepG-2) and “human breast cancer” (MCF-7) tumor cell lines show its more efficient compared with Na-Cyc free ligand. Gold(III)-Cyc complex showed a good activity against MCF-7 cell line with a “half maximal inhibitory concentration” (IC50) value of 1.9 μg/mL. The Ru(III) complex also presented a promising data against MCF-7 cell line with IC50 equal 5.9 μg/mL.
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Sami Mahmoud Mohamed Ali Megharbel, "Synthesis, Chemical Structure Elucidation, and Biological Studies on the Effect of Some Vital Metal Ions on Sulfadoxine", El-Sevier, 2014
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