100- S.Abdel Salam, O. Shaalan, Y.Elhoseny, I. Fathy, “ OPTIMIZING THE PLACEMENT OF SIMI-ACTIVE HYDRAULIC DAMPERS IN BUILDINGS USING FEA ”Journal of American Since (ISSN 1545-1003), USA, July. 2012 (impact factor = 1).

Faculty Engineering Year: 2012
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages:
Journal: Journal of American Since (ISSN 1545-1003), USA, (impact factor = 1). Journal of American Since (ISSN 1545-1003), USA, (impact factor = 1). Volume:
Keywords : 100- S.Abdel Salam, , Shaalan, Y.Elhoseny, , Fathy, , OPTIMIZING    
The efficacy of semi-active hydraulic dampers (SHDs) on the performance of low, medium, and high rise buildings under different earthquakes is investigated in this paper several semi actively controlled multistory structures are modeled and

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